Wednesday 25 January 2017

Spreading Awareness on Water Conservation!

29th of December 2016

Hello everyone!!!
It has been three weeks since school reopened, hopefully school life is going smooth for everyone!!!

Back to the topic, shall we?

On the 29th of December 2016, the Dr. H2Os of SMK (P) Sultan Ibrahim had held a Water Conservation booth to spread awareness about,well,conserving water!

We held this booth on that particular day because we wanted to spread awareness on conserving water with the new students of our school! Their parents also joined in the fun and shared their point of views too!

Spreading awareness!
We had also held some games about water such as water footprint,crossword puzzle and many more with new students of our school to increase their knowledge about water!!They will get prizes for answering all correctly!All of them were trying hard to get the prizes!

Getting ready!

Indirectly,we have spread the knowledge on how to conserve water to parents so they can educate their children in importance of saving water since young.Hopefully they get to know more about water and will be more appreciative when using water!

The event went well on our full cooperation from Dr. H2Os!Good job team :)

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