Friday 25 November 2016

Water Play 2016 for Southern Region (Johor)


Water Play 2016 was held on 13th November 2016 (Sunday) at SMK Sultan Ismail Johor Bahru. 

A total of 10 schools from primary and secondary level participated in this activity. 

Our school, SMK (P) Sultan Ibrahim, had sent our very own Dr. H2Os that consisted of 20 students to participate in this special activity and we were accompanied by 2 teacher advisers.

Among the 20 students, we were divided into groups of two. The first group consisted of 5 students, which participated in the presentation slot for the activity. While the second group which consisted of 15 students participated in the water play quiz section.

Our 15 participants!

Pn. Wong joining in the fun!

Discussion time!!
Where is our next station???
Girl power!

What are we supposed to do next??

Our presentation team!

Cheers to our presentation team!

After the presentation and the games were over, it was time to announce the winners! :)

Announcing the winners! :O
We got third place in Water Play games....but FIRST place in presentation! :D
Great job everyone! Hard work does pay off! :D

Third place for Water Play games! Great job!

First place in presentation! Congrats girls!

Group photo! Say cheese! :D

Being interviewed! ;)

Being interviewed by a reporter of The Star newspaper! :)


And finally, one complete photo!

Thanks a lot to our teacher advisers, reporter of The Star newspaper, and everyone who helped in making this activity a BIG success! Hope for more activities like this in the future! :)

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