Thursday 28 April 2016


26th April 2016

we conducted a few small games via internet for Form 2 students on how to conserve water. The students really enjoyed playing the games and we received good feedbacks from them as well. Some of them mentioned that they will be more aware of the water wastage issues from now on. They also learned a few new ways to conserve water. These are the pictures of the activities we held.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Water Auditing 1

12 April 2016

People from Global Environment Centre (GEC) have come to our school to conduct water audit to know the usage of water overall by school students. We have checked in restrooms and the canteen as well . The usage of water per person in respective places was quite shocking to see as we get to know we have waste a lot of water .

        By having this activity , we hope that this would bring awareness to the school students.